At this time of the year, the welcoming and caring Hawaiian islands dress in Christmas colors and lights. The traditional Christmas tree may come from one of the local farms or may be a festive and creative design. When it comes to decorations, everything is possible. Whether you like a simple and traditional Christmas tree or a sophisticated and elegant modern décor, here are the best ideas for Christmas tree decorating with Hawaiian influences.

Classic decoration in red and green

Red and green decorations will never go out of fashion. Add some sparkle and as many lights as the tree can hold and you’ll have a magic atmosphere. You can use old decorations, with a long history and many stories to tell. Christmas tree decorating is an event celebrated with traditional music and dance. The warmth of Hawaiian culture is the perfect motivation for spending the winter holidays here.

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Stylish decoration in gold and silver

The glitter and shiny globes are the ingredients for a luxurious Christmas tree. These precious colors fit perfectly in one of the many exquisite Hawaiian resorts. You’ll create glamorous scenery, a ballroom for princes and princesses. It’s a Christmas tree that fills the room and impressed the guests. For a Hawaiian touch, place white orchids among the braches. You can even weave flower garlands and place them around the tree.

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Sustainable Christmas tree on a Hawaiian beach

You can always replace the traditional Christmas tree with a symbolic design. Use sustainable materials such as things you can reuse, recycled materials, and compostable materials. If you spend the holidays on a Hawaiian beach, a Christmas tree made from wood brought by waves is all you need. Embrace the environment and celebrate with kindness and consciousness.

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Decorate a local tree

Instead of buying or creating a Christmas tree, choose to decorate a tree that’s already growing near your house. It will spread its magic over the entire neighborhood and cheer up people passing by. Use lights and garlands to make it visible by day and by night. Take care of branches and leaves, the tree will continue to be your friend for a long time.

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Decorating the Christmas tree is one of the most popular Christmas traditions. Every culture has its own customs and it’s very interesting to see how people have adapted the tradition to local climate and biodiversity. That’s why traveling and spending the holidays away from home broadens your horizon and makes you better understand the world.
