Many people choose Hawaii as a holiday destination because they want to relax and forget about everyday worries. However, being in a wonderful place and having fun isn’t always enough to leave stress and thoughts aside. Rumination can follow you anywhere. Triggers appear even on holiday. That’s why you need internal mechanisms to cope with a tough period. Here are five strategies to follow for a relaxing holiday in Hawaii.


Meditation is an ancient practice of Eastern civilization. The oldest documented evidence of people seating in meditative postures is from around 5,000 to 3,000 BCE. It’s thought that by seating in a specific posture and focusing on the breath one can clear the mind and achieve calmness and clarity. Meditation has become popular in Western civilization in the XXth century and its benefits are nowadays recognized by everybody.

If you never tried meditation before, don’t worry. You can learn how to meditate. There are books, teachers, and large communities that can support you in your journey. You can also choose to practice guided meditation in a group or try it by yourself on a secluded beach in Hawaii.

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The Emotional Freedom Technique or tapping is a pseudoscientific technique developed in the 1990s’ by Gary Craig. It has a similar principle with acupuncture but is something you do yourself and doesn’t involve needles. It’s thought that by gently tapping specific points of your body while making a statement, you can relieve pain, find confidence, resist anger and fear, and move to a place of peace and calm. Tapping allows you to recognize your feelings and accept them.

Like meditation, tapping is something you learn. There are teachers, books, apps, events, and many other resources that can help you.

Yoga and exercise

Yoga is also part of Eastern civilization. It’s a spiritual and physical practice that allows you to connect with your body, clear the mind, and unblock parts of you that are caught in stress and pain. There are many yoga methods, suitable for all fitness levels. You can practice yoga in a studio, with an instructor, or on the beach at sunrise. You can practice in the privacy of your hotel room or in the hotel’s garden. You can even practice in the ocean.

Because yoga has a major physical part, practicing outside allows you to add more elements. Waves, the feeling of sand or grass on barefoot, wind, and sun can all become part of your experience. But it doesn’t have to be yoga. It can be surfing, hiking, swimming, diving, or any other sport you enjoy.

Nature contemplation

One of the easiest and often overlooked coping mechanisms is nature contemplation. Take in all the beauty of Hawaii by allowing yourself to observe in silence. Open yourself to the smallest details and observe shapes and colors you’ve never seen before.

Hawaii is also a good place to reconnect with wildlife. Go see sea turtles or whales. Dive and explore the underwater world. But whatever you choose to do, leave the noise of human civilization aside. No music, no conversation, no checking your phone every five minutes. Give your full attention to nature.

Find time for yourself

Solitude can be hard to take when your anxiety and stress levels are up to the roof. However, a healthy person needs some solitude from time to time. You can go hiking on the amazing trails of Hawaii. You can take some time for yourself in a spa center. Or you can simply decide to have breakfast by yourself. Taking time for yourself helps you deal with all those things you never have time for; listen to all those voices you don’t allow to speak; understanding your triggers and why they are so powerful.

People are social animals. As a result, we take in everything the world gives us and give back in return everything that happens inside us. We’re connected and we influence each other. Therefore, to give the best of you to your family and friends, you first need to take care of yourself. And not just on the outside. How well we cope with tough times shows how healthy we are on the inside. So learn to listen to yourself and find the perfect strategy that takes you in the right mood.
